Pontes is a manufacturer leader in producing and commercializing Carnauba wax, emphasizing the highest standards of quality, ethics, and sustainability. The company offers a complete line of carnauba waxes suitable for the most diverve types of industrial applications. Our focus is on developing high-quality products with added value, integrating top-tier production results with socio-environmental sustainability. The entire process from the selection of raw material to the final stage to be commercialized is completely traceable and monitored by Pontes' Quality Control Team.The high quality of the waxes is guaranteed through the analyses carried out in the laboratories of the company. Pontes features three laboratories, being able to conduct more than 50 different analyses, which guarantee that every product manufactued by Pontes presentes the highest quality standard.Our company goes way beyond social and environmental compliance. We are a certified carbon neutral company. Pontes has established a robust and transparent strategy aimed at achieving Net Zero emissions, in alignment with the Paris Agreement's goal. By 2024, the company plans to transition to 100% renewable energy in its operations in Ceara and Piaui, significantly reducing carbon emissions. Our strategy for circularity and zero waste emphasizes maximizing the reuse, recycling, and repurposing of materials to minimize waste disposal. This approach not only prevents landfill accumulation but also reduces carbon emissions associated with material lifecycles.